: a self-contained interface to Gnuplot.
We give an introduction to the library by giving some examples. These examples can be run by performing
> dune exec ./test/example.exe
in the root of the library.
Let's assume throughout we've access to some sampler for the standard normal distribution:
val normal : Random.State.t -> float
The library encapsulates 1d, 2d and 3d data points using the types Plot.r1
, Plot.r2
and Plot.r3
. Similarly named functions allow to inject floating-point values into these types.
As an example, we can write samplers for 2d and 3d normal variates with specified means:
(** [st] is the random state *)
let normal2 (mu_x, mu_y)
st = Plot.r2 (normal st +. mu_x) (normal st +. mu_y)
Let's plot some clouds of points using normal2
. For 2d scatter plots, we use Plot.Scatter.points_2d
. We need to feed this function with a value of type r2 Plot.Data.t
. For instance, the following function specifies a 2d scatter plot with 100 random normally distributed points with mean mu
let scatter ~mu st =
~points:(Plot.Data.of_array (Array.init 100 (fun _ -> normal2 mu st)))
Let's produce a plot with two clouds around (3, 2)
and (10, 8)
and display it using the Plot.plot2
let st = Random.State.make_self_init ()
let scatter2d_example =
[scatter ~mu:(3., 2.) st; scatter ~mu:(10., 8.) st]
Finally, we can produce the plot and save it, say to a .png file.
let () =
let target = Plot.png ~pixel_size:(1024, 1024) ~png_file:"scatter.png" () in
Plot.(run ~target exec scatter2d_example)
3d plots work similarly, using the Plot.Scatter.points_3d
The library also handles line plots, through the functions exposed in Plot.Line
. The API works similarly. Functions must be discretized before being plotted: for the sake of the example, let's introduce the following function.
let discretize f =
Array.init 100 (fun i ->
let x = float_of_int i *. 0.1 in
let y = f x in
Plot.r2 x y)
We prepare a fancy plot for the discretized sine function as follows.
let sine_with_points =
let open Plot in
~points:(Data.of_array (discretize sin))
Style.(default |> set_color |> set_point
We display it similarly as in the scatter plot case.
let line2d_example =
Plot.plot2 ~xaxis:"x" ~yaxis:"y" ~title:"Lines" [sine_with_points]
let () =
let target = Plot.png ~pixel_size:(1024, 1024) ~png_file:"lines.png" () in
Plot.(run ~target exec line2d_example)
Finally, the library allows to prepare histograms.
let gaussian =
let open Plot in
~points:(Data.of_array (Array.init 100 (fun _ -> r1 @@ normal st)))
let histogram_example =
Plot.plot2 ~xaxis:"x" ~yaxis:"freq" ~title:"Histogram" [gaussian]
let () =
let target = Plot.png ~pixel_size:(1024, 1024) ~png_file:"histogram.png" () in
Plot.(run ~target exec histogram_example)
The binning is performed automatically by Gnuplot: currently, the API does not provide any functionality for manually specifed box plots.
val r1 : float -> r1
r1, r2, r3, r4
are injections into their respective types.
val r2 : float -> float -> r2
val r3 : float -> float -> float -> r3
val r4 : float -> float -> float -> float -> r4
val tup_r2 : (float * float) -> r2
tup_r2, tup_r3
proceed on tuples.
val tup_r3 : (float * float * float) -> r3
val tup_r4 : (float * float * float * float) -> r4
module Color : sig ... end
module Pointtype : sig ... end
module Fill : sig ... end
Filling shapes.
module Style : sig ... end
module Tics : sig ... end
Tics. See the gnuplot documentation for the xtics
command for the meaning of these options.
module Data : sig ... end
module Scatter : sig ... end
Preparing scatter plots.
module Line : sig ... end
Preparing line plots.
module Histogram : sig ... end
Preparing histograms.
module Bar : sig ... end
module Circle : sig ... end
A plot
consists of
(2d or 3d, with a name for each axis)spec
s consistent with the dimension of the axes
val plot2 :
xaxis:string ->
yaxis:string ->
?xtics:Tics.t ->
?ytics:Tics.t ->
?title:string ->
r2 spec list ->
plot2 ~xaxis ~yaxis ?xtics ?ytics ?title specs
construct a 2d plot. The plots specs
are stacked together in the same figure. All the plots share the same 2d axis system, with names xaxis
and yaxis
val plot3 :
xaxis:string ->
yaxis:string ->
zaxis:string ->
?xtics:Tics.t ->
?ytics:Tics.t ->
?ztics:Tics.t ->
?title:string ->
r3 spec list ->
plot3 ~xaxis ~yaxis ~zaxis ~title specs
construct a 3d plot. The plots specs
are stacked together in the same figure. All the plots share the same 3d axis system, with names xaxis
, yaxis
and zaxis
Plot target. Note that the Qt
and X11
targets do not work well with multiple ("matrix") plots on some tiling window managers or generally when resizing windows. In this case, it is recommended to use the Pdf
or Png
targets and use a third-party visualizer.
val pdf : ?cm_size:(float * float) -> pdf_file:string -> unit -> target
pdf ?cm_size ~pdf_file ()
specifies that the plot should be written to the file pdf_file
using the pdf format. The optional argument ?cm_size
specifies the width and height of the figure in cm
. If not specified, Gnuplot will select the aspect ratio and size automatically.
val png : ?pixel_size:(int * int) -> png_file:string -> unit -> target
png ?pixel_size ~png_file ()
specifies that the plot should be written to the file png_file
using the PNG format. The optional argument ?pixel_size
specifies the width and height of the figure in pixels
. If not specified, Gnuplot will select the aspect ratio and size automatically.
val x11 : target
The X11 target. This target is interactive (it will open a window).
val qt : ?pixel_size:(int * int) -> unit -> target
The qt target. This target is interactive (it will open a window). The optional argument ?pixel_size
specifies the width and height of the figure in cm
. If not specified, Gnuplot will select the aspect ratio and size automatically.
val exec : action
executes the plot
val exec_detach : action
executes the plot but doesn't block the program
val save_to : string -> action
save_to filename
saves the script to filename
(does not execute the script)
val exec_and_save_to : string -> action
exec_and_save_to filename
executes the plot and also saves the script filename
run ?path ?silent ~plot ~target action
performs action
on plot
using target
defaults to "gnuplot"
defaults to false
. If set to true, redirects gnuplot
stderr to /dev/nullFor instance, to run some plot
to the qt
backend, one would perform the call:
run ~plot ~target:(qt ()) exec
val run_matrix :
?path:string ->
?silent:bool ->
target:target ->
?title:string ->
action ->
plot option array array ->
run_matrix ?path ~plots ~target action
performs action
on the plot matrix plots
using target
defaults to "gnuplot"
specifies a title for the collection of sub-plots. It defaults to ""